Monday, February 04, 2019

My Mostly Harmless Musings

I want to remind everyone: objects in the mirror are actually behind you.
(A Public Service Announcement brought to you by me... You are Welcome.)

I am happy to announce this November my new novel comes out. It is a mystery adventure. Does it contain a global conspiracy? Yes. Will the Earth survive? Probably. Is it even in danger in this book?  Nope. Only humans are eligible to be victims. Is there action? Oh yeah. Romance? You will have to read to find out. Don't worry Science Fiction, I'm not abandoning you. We will have a hookup soon.

In media stuff, I appeared on the Fact And Science Fiction podcast where I talk about my book Blockbuster Science: The Real Science in Science Fiction. A great podcast that I highly recommend subscribing to... and I'm not just saying this because I was on it. That might actually be a detractor.

A DSB tip:
If you are looking for another gig, here is a job where your work will get a lot of exposure, intimacy coordinator for movies and television. I wonder what the job training is.

Have I mentioned this is a cold winter?  Just saying.
Now for some Science:
The Physics Ig Nobel Prize for 2018 went to Marc-Antoine Fardin for using fluid dynamics to probe the question "Can a Cat Be Both a Solid and a Liquid?"   (The answer: depends)

The Ig Nobel Prizes honor achievements that make people laugh, and then think.

Interested in sports?
If this 30 for 30 doesn't have you in tears by the end... well.. then you have no heart. This is the Rocky IV story... the end communism (and how Creed's dancing got him killed).

Look what I found laying around Barnes & Noble (not me... the book). It is is calling out to you, "Come take me home."

Here is some cuteness to brighten your day (or night). 
Here is Ringo Biggles Woofington--First of his Name, Protector of the Realm, Eater of Milkbones.


No! Don't Take Ringo!

That's it for now. Stay tuned for more.

Follow on Twitter @DavidBernstein
Like me on Facebook at David Siegel Bernstein (Come and see all the fun.)
Follow on Instagram @davidsiegelbernstein


Martin Shanin said...

Is this THE David Bernstein or the other one?

David Siegel Bernstein said...

THE. The other one is on vacation.
