Wednesday, June 08, 2016

My Mostly Harmless Musings

You don't have to burn books to destroy a culture. Just get people to stop reading them.
—Ray Bradbury

David Siegel Bernstein

Sorry Mr. Yellow Hat

I know I’ve been naughty by not posting as often as I should. So here is a quickie. Quick because: this is THE week. The perfect temporal storm. What am I talking about? Good question (me). This week is Wizard World Comic Con (June 1-4), the Philadelphia Writers Conference (the PWC is Philly’s Premier Writers conference June 10-12) and interlaced through both is Philadelphia Beer Week (June 3-12). By the way, if you are going to the PWCremember to say hi! We can share a brew.
Here I am combining beer and writing at a previous PWC.  

Here is a message to my writing friends (who are probably (I hope) goofing right now to read this).

I read this headline: Suicidal twin kills sister by accident.

Oh and Speaking of The Philly Comic Con

      Hi From the Clan. We wish you were here        Meeting a friend for drinks (don't judge me.)

Personal Insight: I'm LOLing on the outside while WTFing on the inside when people use acronyms in their posts.

Important news: Trader Joe's took something good (dare I say something perfect?) and reduced it to a joke—a violation of the tongue! I'm sorry to announce Joe's now offers a Sweet Potato and Kale pizza. Yes, I know there are those of you who will run out to buy this (and yes, I question your life choices).

In writing news: I’m expanding the section about extra dimensions in the string theory chapter of a nonfiction project. So yes, you could say the size (dimensions) of the chapter is growing. Sorry, cheap joke. I'm also working on a devilish short story. I think from the adjective in the last sentenceyou can figure out who my misunderstood (or is she?) main character is. 

Books I'm reading (and that I recommend you give a try) 

On deck
That's it for this post. Stay tuned for more.
      And remember
