Thursday, November 15, 2012

Fall News

Pre-Fall (Feb.) pictures of Michelle and I taken before gambling. (I didn't lose her at roulette)

It took four days to get both my electricity and my sanity back after Super Storm Sandy swept past us. And we were lucky! Other areas were hit much worse. By the way, in case you didn’t notice, I’ve given into the media narrative of calling it a super storm. Below is a picture of fallen trees on my front lawn. They all fell in directions away from our house. Whew.

I want to thank the good friends who took our family in: Clan Gocial and Tribe Wasserman.

The view from my front yard.
Here is the update on my “word scribbling” and literature in general. I'm currently working on what I hope is the final draft of my novel, Poisoned Pawn. I’m also in the process of writing the dreaded novel synopsis for it--editors (seem to) like them.

I’ve finished my latest Science for Fiction (S4F) article for Abandoned Towers Magazine, titled: Gravity. It’s Not Just a Good Idea. It’s the Law. I’ll include a link to it once it’s up and running. Until then you can read: Getting More Entangled in Time and Space. It is a quick read on the possibility of using quantum entanglement for intergalactic communications in science fiction.

In October, Michelle and I attended Bill Delamar’s book signing and discussion for his novel The Hidden Congregation. He is a member of Words-in-Progress, the writer’s group I lead. Which is a good segue for the announcement that we are always interested in new members.

I finished reading Vortex, the third book in Robert Charles Wilson Spin series. If you haven’t read the series, I recommend you give it a spin (pun intended). The first and third books are amazing. The second book, Axis, is above average but, to me, is only a bridge between the first and third book.

Speaking of books, I’m in the middle of Fizz: Nothing Is as It Seems by Zvi Schreiber. It is about Fizz, a time-traveler who meets famous scientists throughout history on her quest to discover the nature of the universe. Read the back cover because my description does not do it justice! Fizz is one of the most thoughtful books I’ve read since Sophie’s World by Jostein Gaarder. 

As for movies, my suggestion of the month is to see Wreck-It-Ralph. Seth loved it and so did his dad.

Finally, if you want to know what sports Seth and Gwendolyn are currently grooving to, I'm reasonably sure these photographs provide the clues you need.

That's it for this post. Keep tuned for more.

That's all folks. It's tea-party time.

Tuesday, June 05, 2012

My Mostly Harmless Musings

Me arriving at Wizard Word Philadelphia Comic Con

It’s Convention/Conference month. Last weekend I attended Wizard World Philadelphia Comic Con where I finally got to meet Stan (the man) Lee—that rocked. I also got to see all 5 captains of the Star Trek franchise. Yes, this means I finally got the ever-elusive William Shatner autograph. And as with all good cons, there were costumes, costumes, and costumes.
This coming weekend I’ll be THE PREMIERE writing event in Philadelphia, a.k.a. the Philadelphia Writers’ Conference (June 8 -12). If you are attending, or visiting the area, be sure to look me up to say.

For your consideration (and hopefully enjoyment), my latest Science for Fiction (S4F) article: Go Kardashev not Kardashian for Your Science has been posted has been posted by Abandoned Towers Magazine.  I’m reasonably sure you don’t a Kardashian (i.e. those inhabiting planet Reality Television) to help you understand science or write fiction. So turn off E! and check out the article if you like Science and/or Science Fiction.

Speaking of Science, I’m happy to direct you this article by Steven Padnick for, Phineas and Ferb is the Best Science Fiction on Television. Thanks Steven, my addiction to the show has been validated. 

In other writing news, I’m proud to announce Bill Delamar’s new novel, The Hidden Congregation, is now available. He is a member of Words-in-Progress, the writer’s group I lead. Yeah, yeah, I know it was a shameless plug for our group, but so what? Anyway, go pick up a copy and I’ll see what I can do about getting you an autograph.

Manhattan Projects Comic (like science? like comics? Read this)

In honor of Comics (Manhattan Projects #3), Science (Physicist Richard Feynman), and Fiction (Sorry, Feynman didn’t really say this, but it was in the comic) I present this quote:

“What am I guilty of?"

"An Intimate familiarity with the necessity of fiction. Truth is my wife, but lies are my mistress"

-Clavis Aurea (The recorded Feynman)

Me, Stan Lee, and Seth

I hope these guys have my back next week at the Writers' Conference. Those poets can get out of hand.

Guess Who

Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Mostly Harmless Musings

If you’re wondering about the picture above—wonder no more. It’s a picture of me and my winnings from a Monte Carlo Night. I found the lovely and, dare I say talented, Michelle at the high stakes table.

In writing news, I wrote a poem titled The Ballad of Things and Liquid Imagination happened to publish it. What a coincidence! Please read and (hopefully) enjoy... and, if you do enjoy it, please tell them on their facebook page.

My latest Science for Fiction (S4F) article: Invisibility, Science not Magic, has been posted by Abandoned Towers Magazine. So if you’re the Klingon type (and want to go invisible) then spatial and temporal cloaking (real science) are you for you. Read the article to learn more. If, instead, you’re the Harry Potter type, go with the wand.