Friday, July 08, 2011

Welcome July - Let the Heat Begin

The Picture of the Day
Lady Gwendolyn giving a private performance of the Pink Swan.

In this month’s Science for Fiction (S4F), I discuss the breadth and depth of the universe. No small task (and neither is universe). In the article I explain there are regions of the universe we can see and others we can never see. The reason we can’t see it all is because the expansion is pulling some areas away from us faster than the speed of light. Yes—FASTER THAN LIGHT—and with no violation of special relativity. For details read the complete piece: We Hold Universal Truths to Be Not Self-Evident , found at the Abandoned Towers Magazine Blog.

I want to thank Jon Gibbs of An Englishman in New Jersey for including a link to one of my S4F pieces in his SALTY FOP week posting (Share A Link To Your Favorite Online Post week). He linked to If You are Uncertain—Call a Quantum Mechanic For a Fix.

In other news, this is a big month for the comma. The comma is cool! First read, Grammar ABCs: C is for Comma in The Blood-Red Pencil and then click your way over to GalleyCat to read about the death of the Oxford comma.

The Samuel Literary Messenger is paying $50 for stories and essays. Something for my writer friends to consider.

Finally, since writers are also readers, and readers need a place to store their pre-Kindle books, I suggest checking out 46 Creative and Stylish Bookshelf Designs in DesignMag.
