Monday, November 07, 2011

Post Halloween - Pre Thanksgiving Updates

Abandoned Towers Magazine is under new direction and I for one really think the new facade of the Abandoned Towers: News & Blog, rocks! This is where you can read my latest Science for Fiction (S4F) contribution:

In the article I write on chances of intelligent life outside our little corner of the Milky Way and if there is, can they communicate with us here on Earth?

Of course I leave it scientists and fiction writers to decide the definition of intelligent life.  Obviously fiction writers are allowed a more liberal definition.

Using the Drake equation, I calculated 600 communicating civilizations within our galaxy.

The television show The Big Bang Theory gives a good summary of the Drake equation (and its application to Lady’s night). However, I’ll leave it for others to prove the Wolowitz Coefficient.

Click here to watch the Big Bang Theory (the show, not… um, the theory) describe the Drake equation. 

If you’re interested in a spooky libation and horror micro-story check out The Hair of the Wolf That BitYou published in Bosley Gravel’s Cavalcade of Terror. This story might explain why I’m not allowed out anymore—or to mix drinks.