Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Weather be damned (and by damn a dam would've helped with the flooding)

Somehow I survived an Earthquake (the East Coast Shaker), a Hurricane (Irene), flooded basement, and the first week of my children’s soccer season.

During all this I managed to eke out a few new words for my novel and to complete my latest installment of Science for Fiction (S4F): Black Holes Suck.

BTW, if a black hole got married, would it still be considered a singularity?

In other writing news, an online version of my story Chronology has been reprinted in the farewell issue of Chaos Theory: Tales Askew. We’ll miss you CTTA! The story originally appeared in M-Brane SF, a sleek science fiction anthology magazine. Check out the story… I hope you enjoy it.

Here is a math truth--as interpreted by xkcd webcomics
